Baseball Chatter August 20, 2017

Injury Updates Reynaldo Lopez on the 10-day disabled list (retroactive to August …

Baseball Chatter June 2

The guy who got Mr. Met fired feels real proud of his four second video, telling everyone that he was not the one heckling things at Mr. Met about ‘yo momma’. I think I will heckle him until he blocks me or flips me off, then i will call his job and get him canned for being a loser. I should send the Oregon Duck over so he can see what it is really like to be abused by a mascot.

Baseball Chatter 05/18

Jose Bautista flips a bat, Barely, then all hell breaks loose. Baseball guys have been flipping bats forever, so why do players take it as a personal insult? There’s no crying, remember?